Advanced Search
Content Type: Guide step
It's important to understand how much of your data is stored in the cloud. Why? Because our research exposes that law enforcement can use cloud extraction techniques to obtain vast quantities of your data. These techniques means law enforcement can circumvent asking companies like Facebook for your data and avoid getting a warrant. So the use of this technology means there is no limit on what they can obtain, no transparency and no clear, accessible or effective legal safeguards to protect your…
Content Type: Guide step
En tu navegador ve a la esquina superior derecha de la página de Facebook. Haz clic en Configuración y Privacidad y luego en Privacidad. A la izquierda vas a ver un campo llamado Apps y sitios web donde podrás ver cuáles aplicaciones tienen acceso a tus datos actualmente. Puedes modificar la lista si seleccionas Ver y editar. Recomendamos mantener la lista al mínimo y eliminar cualquier aplicación que no reconozcas o que hayas dejado de usar.
Content Type: Guide step
On your browser head to the upper right corner of the Facebook page. Click Settings and Privacy > Privacy. On the left side you should be able to see a field named Apps and Websites where you will see which apps currently have access to your data. If you click View and edit you can make changes on this list. We recommend you consider removing any apps that you don’t know or that you no longer use.
Content Type: Guide step
En tu navegador, si vas a tu perfil y luego seleccionas Información verás un resumen de la información que le has dado a Facebook en Información general.
Content Type: Guide step
If you are accessing Facebook through your browser, go to your profile and then select About. You will see a summary of the information you have provided to Facebook under Overview.
Content Type: Call to Action
You might have read our investigation into advertisers who upload your data on Facebook and found out some companies doing the same to you. Well, you can join us and hold them accountable by sending your own Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)!
Before you get started we suggest you read our FAQ and take a look at our 7+1 tips to make the most out of your DSAR before and after.
To do so you simply need to copy the message bellow and send it to the companies that uploaded your data…
Content Type: Explainer
Hello friend,
You may have found your way here because you are thinking about, or have just submitted, a Data Subject Access Request, maybe to your Facebook advertisers like we did. Or maybe you are curious to see if Policing, Inc. has your personal data.
The right to access your personal data (or access right) is just one of a number of data rights that may be found in data protection law, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation, better known as "GDPR", which took…