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Despite having opened their borders to and taking in millions of fleeing Venezuelan migrants, the Colombian government’s handling process for this population tells a story of discrimination rather than inclusion.
The 2021 issuance of the Temporary Statute for Venezuelan Migrants came with a legal framework laying out the benefits for incoming Venezuelans, but also outlined how a multibiometric system would be used for identification of this specific migrant group.
This system allows for…
Content Type: Examples
In December 2019, a Brazilian public security programme, called the Integrated Border Operations Center (CIOF) was presented. The CIOF aims to combat transnational organised crime in the region of Foz do Iguaçu and the Triple Border Area1, shared by Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguy, and integrate different public security agents through a centralised system.
It has been reported that CIOF is part of a wider digital security apparatus being deployed in the Triple Border Area, that there is…
Content Type: Examples
A vulnerability in the Bono Familiar Universal, the platform used to distribute the financial subsidy provided to households in precarious economic situation by the Peruvian government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, enabled the subsidy to be accessed by malicious individuals.
The vulnerability was reported by Deep Security, and it was resolved but an undetermined number of malicious individuals were able to pose as beneficiaries to access the platform and collect the subsidy themselves…