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Content Type: Advocacy
The rapid expansion of educational technologies (EdTech) has introduced serious concerns about human rights protection in educational spaces. This briefing explores the impact of facial recognition technology (FRT) and heightened surveillance in these settings, highlighting many complex and multifaceted issues that demand careful consideration from a human rights perspective. From the erosion of privacy and the securitisation of educational spaces - that undermines the learning and growth…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Also available in English.A Relatora Especial da ONU sobre o Direito à Educação publicou seu relatório sobre liberdade acadêmica - que, entre outras coisas, recomenda que os Estados banam as tecnologias de reconhecimento facial das instituições educacionais.O sistema educacional do Brasil, que se baseia no valor fundamental “o melhor interesse da criança” é um dos piores infratores do mundo. Até o momento, 1.667 escolas só no estado do Paraná adotaram uma tecnologia que, segundo o principal…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Também disponível em portuguêsThe UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education published her report on academic freedom, which recommends that states ban facial recognition technologies from educational institutions.Brazil’s educational system - which is built on the fundamental value: the best interest of the child, is one of the world’s worst offenders. So far 1,667 schools in the state of Paraná alone have adopted a technology that the UN’s leading expert believes threatens student’s…
Content Type: Advocacy
In May 2024, we made a submission for the forthcoming report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education to the General Assembly in October 2024.
Amongst others we recommend the UN Special Rapporteur for this upcoming report to:
Underline the need for a human rights-based approach to all AI systems in the education sector and describe the necessary measures to achieve it.
Reassert that any interference with the right to privacy and the advancement of the right to education due to…
Content Type: Advocacy
At PI we have been observing with concern the rapid expansion of technologies in educational settings, which has included a wide array of tools that allow the surveillance of students and academic staff, to the detriment of their privacy and academic freedom. We consider this upcoming report as an essential platform to examine the intricate interplay between academic freedom, freedom of expression, and surveillance conducted by both public and private entities through Education…
Content Type: Advocacy
Em Junho de 2023, fizemos uma submissão para a 138ª Sessão do Comitê de Direitos Humanos, que ocorreu entre 26 de Junho de 2023 e 28 de Julho de 2023, em relação à conformidade do Brasil com o Pacto Internacional sobre Direitos Civis e Políticos (ICCPR) antes da adoção da Lista de Questões Prévias ao Relatório (LoIPR).Entre outras coisas, recomendamos que o Comitê de Direitos Humanos da ONU solicite ao governo Brasileiro que:Adira aos seus padrões internacionais e nacionais de direitos humanos…
Content Type: Advocacy
In June 2023, we made a submission for the 138th Session of the Human Rights Committee that took place between 26 June 2023 and 28 July 2023 in relation to Brazil’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) before the adoption of the List of issues prior to reporting (LoIPR).Amongst others, we recommended the UN Human Rights Committee call on Brazil to:Adhere to its international and national human rights standards to uphold the right to privacy and the…
Content Type: Advocacy
We submitted a report to the Commission of Jurists on the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Bill focussed on highlighting the potential harms associated with the use of AI within schools and the additional safeguards and precautions that should be taken when implementing AI in educational technology.The use of AI in education technology and schools has the potential to interfere with the child’s right to education and the right to privacy which are upheld by international human rights standards…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy International made a submission to the 41st Universal Period Review Session at the UN Human Rights council expressing concerns with the ways in which EdTech has been deployed through out Brazil, particularly unfettered access to and transfer of children's data, and the roll out of facial recognition, particularly without transparency or consent.This stakeholder report focusses solely on concerns related to the use of education technology (‘EdTech') in Brazil, and the subsequent…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy International wish to express our significant concerns over the poorly considered roll out of facial recognition in multiple parts of the Indian schooling system, especially the roll out in classrooms in Delhi.We also wish to raise concerns over the lax legal framework that currently regulates EdTech in India, which we do not believe adequately protects the human rights of the 250 million students in India's educational system.RecommendationsPI recommends India to ban the use of facial…