Mozambique's eligibility criteria for emergency response to Covid-19 leaves beneficiaries in the dark


In 2020, after the COVID-19 pandemic hit Mozambique, the government started implementing the National Response Plan of Social Protection which aims to provide cash transfers to 1,582,179 beneficiaries.

The selection of priority areas to enroll people was based on a multimethodological approach using the MultiDimensional Poverty Index mapping that combines social and economic indicators. The index relied on the data gathered in the recent census, as well as high resolution satellite imaginary of urban poverty maps. Potential beneficiaries are identified by the National Institute of Social Action based on disclosed vulnerability criteria.

Still, an independant observer states that only 61% of beneficiaries know why they have been enrolled. Similarly, the observer highlights ongoing complaints about the lack of information on the program including who’s eligible, how much they’re entitled to and with what periodicity the benefit be distributed.

Authors: PSC-PS (Plataforma da Sociedade Civil Moçambicana para a Protecção Social)
Date: December 2020