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Also available in English.A Relatora Especial da ONU sobre o Direito à Educação publicou seu relatório sobre liberdade acadêmica - que, entre outras coisas, recomenda que os Estados banam as tecnologias de reconhecimento facial das instituições educacionais.O sistema educacional do Brasil, que se baseia no valor fundamental “o melhor interesse da criança” é um dos piores infratores do mundo. Até o momento, 1.667 escolas só no estado do Paraná adotaram uma tecnologia que, segundo o principal…
Content Type: Examples
Teachers and staff members at state primary and upper primary schools across the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh are protesting the requirement that they use a digital attendance system to log their entry and exit times. Among the problems: the system was introduced without a trial period to solve problems and the portal allows only 15 minutes for taking attendance. They are refusing to use the system until other needs, such as earned leave and compensatory holidays when they have to work on…
Content Type: Examples
Schools in Hyderabad, the capital of the Indian state of Telangana, are using facial recognition to take morning attendance. Telangana is also using facial recognition to pay pensions, renew driving licences, evoting, and deter crime. Adoption was partly fueled by fear of spreading covid-19 through fingerprints. There are now 370,000 cameras in Hyderabad, controlled from a new command-and-control centre, and about 925,000 across Telangana. Link to the article Publication: The…
Content Type: Examples
The Delhi government is expected to introduce facial recognition in schools in order to improve attendance, which is hovering at 65-70%. The government also proposes to provide parents with monthly attendance reports and introduce monthly and weekly tests in order to keep students engaged. Educators say that the solution to failing should be pedagogical rather than administrative. Link to the article Publication: Indian ExpressWriter: Vidheesha Kuntamalla
Content Type: Examples
A paper links depth of semantic encoding (which is important for reading comprehension) to reading text on paper rather than on a screen. This link was made after studying high-density EEG (which records brain activity) while 59 middle school students completed single-word semantic judgment tasks after reading passages of text. Link: Middle-schoolers’ reading and processing depth in response to digital and print media: An N400 studyPublication: BioRxivPublication date: 2023-09-01Writer:…
Content Type: Examples
A study conducted by neuroscientists based on a sample of 59 children aged ten to 12, the period critical in reading development, finds that paper has a clear advantage over screens for “deeper reading”. The work aligns with other research conducted by social scientists with similar findings. Nonetheless, US schools are converting to computerised test-taking and electronic textbooks.Link: A groundbreaking study shows kids learn better on paper, not screens. Now what?Publication:…
Content Type: Examples
The data protection officer for Rhineland-Pfalz says that parental agreement is not required when schools use ChatGPT, even when the students are underage. However, the terms and conditions attached to OpenAI’s licence for third parties for ChatGPT say parents must give consent. Link: Datenschützer: Eltern müssen KI in der Schule nicht zustimmen Publication: Table MediaWriter: Table Briefs
Content Type: Examples
A platform that will serve as a central data repository for India's One Nation One Student ID is due to start operation in February 2024. The 12-digit student ID (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) is liked to students' Aadhaar biometric IDs and has so far been issued to 20 million students in higher education. The new database will eventually aggregate data that until now has been held separately by various educational institutions. The Union government has directed that full…
Content Type: Examples
The Indian online educational services company Byju, which sells a live online one-on-one learning platform in the US, UK, Brazil, Indonesia, and Mexico, has aggressive plans to expand in the US and is seeking acquisitions there and in the UK and Australia. In 2021, it acquired the digital reading platform company Epic and the K-12 creative coding platform Tynker, giving it access to over 100,000 schools and 60 million pupils.Link: Byju’s plan to enter the global edtech market and what that…
Content Type: Examples
Both global and US investment in edtech has dropped sharply since its peak in 2021, when Coursera, Udemy, and Duolingo all went public, even though both enrollment numbers and adoption of edtech are increasing. India's BYJU provides an example: valued peaked at $22 billion in 2022, in 2024 its value has dropped to $1 billion. From here, investment is more likely to accrue to startups leveraging AI for education. Link to the article Publication: CrunchbaseWriter: Joanna Glasner
Content Type: Examples
While the edtech sector continues to grow - projections are that it will reach US$132.4 billion globally by 2032 - the educational value of edtech remains unknown and may even be negative. Tech developers should collaborate with scientists who study learning in order to create more effective designs. Research studies should pre-register, espouse transparency and integrity, and work to standardised evaluation criteria and standards. Link to the article Publication: The…
Content Type: Examples
An assessment camp for disabled children who attend government schools run by the Samagra Shiksha integrated scheme for education in the Indian state of Telagana required eligible children to bring with them a state government-issued disability certificate indicating a more than 40% disability, two passport-sized photographs showing their disability, and a Unique Disability ID card or receipt for applying for one. Those without a certificate or ID card were asked to bring instead a disability…
Content Type: Examples
Numerous research efforts are developing facial recognition systems for use in classrooms. In one example, researchers at Guilford College are designing a system for classroom management that will use multiple cameras to take attendance, monitor students’ activities, and detect their emotional states, believing that it will reduce stress for teachers. While such use is not illegal and Guilford’s researchers say protecting student privacy is an important part of their design, the ethics and the…
Content Type: Examples
The 746 KGBV schools in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh say the schools’ facial recognition attendance system has helped improve both students’ and teachers’ attendance. KGBVs are residential schools intended to educate girls from impoverished backgrounds.Link: Face-recognition Tech helps KGBV in record attendance Publication: Times of IndiaPublication date: 2023-11-09Writer: Isha Jain
Content Type: Examples
Ohio teenager Aaron Ogletree has won a lawsuit he filed against Cleveland State University after he was required to pan a webcam around his bedroom to eliminate possible cheating before taking a remote exam.
The court agreed that Ogletree's Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the scanning requirement, which briefly exposed tax documents and medications. The university has filed an appeal and in the meantime has told students that they will not be permitted to take remotely proctored…