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Content Type: News & Analysis
In the run up to the UK General Election on 12 December 2019, Privacy International, joined by other organisations called on political parties to come clean about their use of data. The lack of response to these demands combined with other evidence gathered by groups during the run up to the election demonstrates that current regulations are not fit for the digital era.
This briefing to which Privacy International contributed together with Demos, the Computational Propaganda Project at the…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Updated January 18th 2021
The Government of Myanmar is pushing ahead with plans to require anyone buying a mobile SIM card to be fingerprinted and hand over their ID cards, according to procurement documents circulated to prospective bidders.
The plans are a serious threat to privacy in a country lacking any data protection or surveillance laws and where minorities are systematically persecuted, and must be scrapped.
According to technical requirements developed by Myanmar’s Post and…
Content Type: Advocacy
This stakeholder report is a submission by Privacy International (PI), the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Kenya (NCHRD-K), The Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN), and Paradigm Initiative.
PI, NCHRD-K, KELIN, and Paradigm Initiative wish to bring their concerns about the protection and promotion of the right to privacy, and other rights and freedoms that privacy supports, for consideration in Kenya’s upcoming review at the 35th session of the Working…
Content Type: News & Analysis
On 24 October 2019, the Swedish government submitted a new draft proposal to give its law enforcement broad hacking powers. On 18 November 2019, the Legal Council (“Lagråd”), an advisory body assessing the constitutionality of laws, approved the draft proposal.
Privacy International believes that even where governments conduct hacking in connection with legitimate activities, such as gathering evidence in a criminal investigation, they may struggle to demonstrate that hacking as…
Content Type: Advocacy
As any data protection lawyer and privacy activist will attest, there’s nothing like a well-designed and enforced data protection law to keep the totalitarian tendencies of modern Big Brother in check.
While the EU’s data protection rules aren’t perfect, they at least provide some limits over how far EU bodies, governments and corporations can go when they decide to spy on people.
This is something the bloc’s border control agency, Frontex, learned recently after coming up with a plan to…
Content Type: Advocacy
On November 1, 2019, we submitted evidence to an inquiry carried out by the Scottish Parliament into the use of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) for policing purposes.
In our submissions, we noted that the rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the deployment of new technologies that seek to analyse, identify, profile and predict, by police, have and will continue to have a seismic impact on the way society is policed.
The implications come not…
Content Type: Advocacy
In October 2019, PI responded to the UK Information Commissioner’s (ICO) consultation on a draft Code of Practice for the use of personal data in political campaigning.
This follows on from PI's submission in December 2018, to the ICO’s Call for Views.
PI welcomes the draft Code of Practice as a first step. However, much remains to be done to close the implementation and enforcement gap and strengthen existing regulatory frameworks.
In response to the ICO’s questions, PI’s submission…
Content Type: Advocacy
In this submission, Privacy International aims to provide the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights with information on how surveillance technologies are affecting the right to peaceful protests in new and often unregulated ways.
Based on Privacy International’s research, we provide observations, regarding the following:
the relationship between peaceful protests and the right to privacy;
the impact of new surveillance technologies in the context of peaceful protests…
Content Type: Advocacy
We welcome the effort by the Government of Kenya to give life to and specify the right to privacy, already enshrined in Article 31(c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya by proposing a draft Data Protection Act. We particularly appreciate the direct reference to this Constitutional right in the purpose of the Act and the way it is referred to on several occasions in this proposed Bill.
Development of an effective and comprehensive Data Protection law in Kenya is a priority. In…
Content Type: Advocacy
PI is increasingly concerned that democratic participation can be inhibited by novel and unhindered surveillance both by governments and companies. To safeguard our rights, earlier this year, we launched our work programme, Defending Democracy and Dissent, which aims to investigate the role technology plays in facilitating and/or hindering everyone's participation in civic society.
This submission to the House of Lords covers PI’s views on:
How digital tech has changed the way…
Content Type: Advocacy
Earlier this year, the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression called for an “immediate moratorium on the global sale and transfer of private surveillance technology”, warning that “unlawful surveillance continues without evident constraint”, is leading to arbitrary detention, torture and possibly to extrajudicial killings.
Without urgent action, there is every reason to believe that the situation will only get worse for people around the world.
At Privacy…
Content Type: Advocacy
Agreed in 2015, the EU Trust Fund for Africa uses development aid and cooperation funds to manage and deter migration to Europe. It currently funds numerous projects presenting urgent threats to privacy, including developing biometric databases, training security units in surveillance, and equipping them with surveillance equipment. There has been no decision made about the future of the Fund pending the outcome of negotiations on the EU's next budget.
This paper…
Content Type: Advocacy
The Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) is a external instrument proposed under the EU's next 2021-2027 budget. It will provide funding for surveillance, border security, and migration management projects in third countries currently undertaken by a number of projects across various funds which are to form part of the NDICI. Several raise significant concerns regarding the right to privacy.
This paper summarises the NDICI and provides a…
Content Type: Advocacy
This report, which was authored by Lorand Laskai, who is a JD Candidate at Yale Law School, provides an overview of the surveillance technology and training that the Chinese government supplies to countries around the world. China, European countries, Israel, the US, and Russia, are all major providers of such surveillance worldwide, as are multilateral organisations such as the European Union. Countries with the largest defence and security sectors are transferring technology and…
Content Type: Advocacy
The UK government's Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, along with Government Digital Services, made a Call for Evidence on Digital Identity.
In our response, Privacy International reiterated the need for a digital identity system to have a clear purpose, in this case to enable people to prove their identity online to access services. We highlighted the dangers of some forms of ID (like relying on a centralised database, unique ID numbers, or the use of biometrics). The…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy International's submission to the consultation initiated by the UN Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights on the impact on human rights of the proliferation of “soft law” instruments and related standard-setting initiatives and processes in the counter-terrorism context.
In this submission Privacy International notes its concerns that some of this “soft law” instruments have negative implications on the right to privacy leading to violations of other human…
Content Type: Advocacy
On 28 August 2019 PI joined International Privacy Network partner Asociación por los Derechos Civiles and others in writing to the Directors of Public Policy for Latin America at Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The letters outline what steps are needed to make the social media giants' ad archives effective. Earlier this year organisations across Europe, led by the Mozilla, wrote to the companies with similar guidelines - the letters sent today say that equivalent steps should be taken for ad…
Content Type: Advocacy
[Full response below]
The consultation is in response to the judgment in Tele2 Sverige AB v Post-och telestyrelsen (Case-203/15) and R (Watson) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Case C-698/15) [“Watson judgment”].
The case concerned…
Content Type: Explainer
Recently the role of social media and search platforms in political campaigning and elections has come under scrutiny. Concerns range from the spread of disinformation, to profiling of users without their knowledge, to micro-targeting of users with tailored messages, to interference by foreign entities, and more. Significant attention has been paid to the transparency of political ads - what are companies doing to provide their users globally with meaningful transparency into how they…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy International provided comments to the UK Financial Conduct Authority on the Terms of Reference to its Credit Information Market Study.
We highlighted that:
Credit data (whether ‘traditional’ credit data; data from Open Banking sources, or other sources of data like social media) are hugely revealing of people’s lives far beyond the state of their financial affairs.
The affects upon consumer behaviour of this use of data in the credit sector extends beyond the choices they…
Content Type: Advocacy
Dear Chair and Committee colleagues,
Privacy International is an international NGO, based in London, which works with partners around the world to challenge state and corporate surveillance and data exploitation. As part of our work, we have a dedicated programme “Defending Democracy and Dissent” where we advocate for limits on data exploitation throughout the electoral cycle.
We have been closely following the important work of the Committee. Prompted by the additional evidence provided…
Content Type: Advocacy
On 26 July 2019, Privacy International sent the attached written evidence submission to the UK All Parliamentary Party Group on Electoral Campaigning Transparency.
In the UK, All-Party Groups (APPGs) are informal groups of Members of both the House of Commons and House of Lords with a common interest in particular issues.
Content Type: Advocacy
As an organisation that has been fighting to protect people's data and privacy since the 1990s, we were left speechless by your redemption of Cambridge Analytica’s former staff ("What Cambridge Analytica’s ex-staff can teach us about data defence”, Gillan Tett, July 24, 2019).
How can we prevent a repeat of the Cambridge Analytica scandal?, Tett asks, yet fails to even mention the core solution that is universally proposed by privacy professionals around the world: comprehensive…
Content Type: Advocacy
Today, we have responded to the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s online platforms and digital advertising market study
In the last year, Privacy International has conducted research into the ad tech and the data brokers industry exposing and complaining about their exploitation of personal data and the lack of transparency of their activities.
Based on our research and analysis of the current trends, Privacy International provided observations on the three broad potential sources of…
Content Type: Advocacy
Privacy International and Open Rights Group welcome the Competition and Market Authority (CMA)’s call for information on digital mergers. In this submission, the organisations provide their observations on some of the questions raised in this consultation, focussing on: the ways in which digital products or services are monetized though user data and advertising; questioning the assumption that users pay products or services with personal data; providing examples of…
Content Type: Advocacy
Democratic engagement is increasingly mediated by digital technology. Whether through the use of social media platforms for political campaigning, biometric registration of voters and e-voting, police monitoring of political rallies and demonstrations using facial recognition, and other surveillance methods, technology is now infused into the political process.
These technologies rely on collecting, storing, and analysing personal information to operate. Much recent debate around…
Content Type: Advocacy
During its 98th session, from 23 April to 10 May 2019, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) initiated the drafting process of general recommendation n° 36 on preventing and combatting racial profiling.
As part of this process, CERD invited stakeholders, including States, UN and regional human rights mechanisms, UN organisations or specialised agencies, National Human Rights Institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), research…
Content Type: Advocacy
Faced with the transnational dimension of terrorist-related activities, United Nations Security Council resolutions have emphasized the need for international cooperation in information-sharing, both for the purposes of collecting intelligence and judicial assistance.
Privacy International recognises the importance and benefit of intelligence sharing in the context of preventing and investigating terrorism or other genuine, serious threats to national security. The organisation is concerned,…
Content Type: Advocacy
Identification system across the world increasingly rely on biometric data. In the context of border management, security and law enforcement, biometric data can play an important role in supporting the investigation and prevention of acts of terrorism.
This is clearly reflected in UN Security Council resolutions on counter- terrorism. Notably, Resolution 2396 (2017) the UN Security Council decided that states shall develop and implement systems to collect and share biometrics data for…
Content Type: Advocacy
In March 2019, Privacy International responded to a call for evidence for an inquiry by the UK Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights into "The Right to Privacy (Article 8) and the Digital Revolution".
Our suggestions included that, the human rights framework should support:
Increasing individuals’ control over their data to encourage the design of technologies that protect peoples’ autonomy and privacy.
Increasing security to result in more rights and protections for…