News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

News & Analysis
This op-ed originally appeared in the Huffington Post. As technologies used by the police race ahead of outdated legislation, we are left vulnerable to potential for misuse and abuse of our data The vast quantities of data we generate every minute of the day and how it can be exploited is
Long Read
As we said before, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandals are a wake-up call for policy makers. And also a global issue. People around the world are concerned by the exploitation of their data. The current lack of transparency into how companies are using people’s data is unacceptable and needs
Press release
Key points: Privacy International have today published a report entitled 'Digital Stop and search: how the UK police can secretly download everything from your mobile phone', based on Freedom of Information requests to 47 police forces across the UK about their use of 'mobile phone extraction'
Long Read
Today Privacy International together with 27 other organisations from across Europe urge European governments to strengthen the protection of privacy and security of online communications. The proposal to reform e-privacy in Europe was launched in January 2017. However, despite the clear and urgent
Long Read
In December 2017, Privacy International published an investigation into the use of data and microtargeting during the 2017 Kenyan elections. Cambridge Analytica was one of the companies that featured as part of our investigation. Due to the recent reporting on Cambridge Analytica and Facebook, we
Long Read
The ongoing Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal is a wake-up call for UK policy-makers who too often encourage and promote digital industries over the protection people’s personal data. The scandal has shown that the public is concerned by companies’ exploitation of their data. The current lack
News & Analysis
Estos últimos días hemos conocido los detalles de cómo Cambridge Analytica fue capaz de acumular información sobre votantes, a través de una aplicación que recogió datos de más de 50 millones usuarios de Facebook, incluyendo 30 millones de perfiles sicográficos. Esta es otra historia más de cómo se
Long Read
Over the past few days we've all learned details about how Cambridge Analytica was able to amass data on voters through the use of an app that would gather data on approximately 50 million Facebook users, including 30 million psychographic profiles. This is three stories in one. Yes, this is another
Long Read
Image: Eric Jones The UK government last week hosted hundreds of surveillance companies as it continues to try and identify “technology-based solutions” able to reconcile the need for controls at the Irish border with the need to avoid them. The annual showcase conference of 'Security and Policing'
News & Analysis
Written by Karisma Foundation 7:03: Catalina leaves her apartment and a security camera follows her down the hall, another one observes her in the elevator while she fixes her hair. As she exits the building, the warden tells her she doesn’t have to fix her hair because she is already pretty as she
Long Read
To mark International Women’s Day 2018, Privacy International and some of our partner organisations - Datos Protegidos , Derechos Digitales , the National Coalition for Human Rights Defenders-Kenya , the Karisma Foundation , and the Foundation for Media Alternatives – are telling the stories of
News & Analysis
Written by Privacy International 07:06: Camille’s smart pillow sends a signal to her smartphone that it’s time for her to wake up. She checks the quality of sleep on the app – last night was not great. Because the pillow tracks the motion in her bed, the company knows what else she may (or may not)
News & Analysis
Written by the Foundation for Media Alternatives 7:01: Naomi wakes up and gets ready for the day. 7:58: Naomi books an Uber ride to Bonifacio Global City (BGC), where she has a meeting. She pays with her credit card. While Naomi is waiting for her Uber, she googles restaurant options for her dinner
News & Analysis
Written by Datos Protegidos 04:16: Carolina can´t sleep. She grabs her mobile from the nightstand next to her bed to check her WhatsApp notifications and read some tweets. She decides to disconnect to and tries to go back to sleep. 07:00: Carolina is woken by her mobile phone alarm. She picks it up
News & Analysis
Written by Derechos Digitales 03:00: Maritza wakes up and gets ready. It’s still dark. She has to go stand in a queue outside the nearest grocery store, where after several hours her fingerprint will be scanned to retrieve her personal information from a governmental database. This will tell the
News & Analysis
Written by the National Coalition for Human Rights Defenders - Kenya and Privacy International 05:00: Mercy’s alarm goes off. She gets out of the warmth of the bed into the piercing morning chill. She switches on the bedside lamp and reaches for her Bible. She then checks in onto her devotional