News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

News & Analysis
14th August 2017 We found the image here. We work to collect the minimum amount of data that we need from you to do our jobs within the resources we have, and to protect and use that data in an ethical manner. We are expanding the ways we engage with our supporters, by rebuilding our technical
News & Analysis
There are three good reasons why security is so hard for NGOs. First, we are afraid to speak about meaningful security. Second, we focus on the wrong areas of security and in turn spend money and prioritise the wrong things. Third, we struggle to separate the world we want from the worlds we build
News & Analysis
Early on Wednesday morning the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill was approved by Pakistan’s National Assembly. The Bill, which is almost universally acknowledged as “controversial” had been criticised by opposition members, industry and civil society at numerous stages. Civil society
Press release
Key points Privacy International has obtained previously unseen government documents that reveal British spy agency GCHQ collects social media information on potentially millions of people. GCHQ collected and accesses this information by gaining access to private companies’ databases. Letters
Press release
In today’s latest hearing in our ongoing legal challenge against the collection of massive troves of our personal data by the UK intelligence agencies, shocking new evidence has emerged about GCHQ’s attempts to yet again avoid proper independent scrutiny for its deeply intrusive surveillance
Long Read
This piece was originally published in Just Security in November 2017. The upcoming expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has launched a fresh wave of debate on how the statute’s “ backdoor search loophole” allows the U.S. government to access Americans’
News & Analysis
This is the story of Privacy International's journey to building more secure services. Data collection and administering sensitive data on the open web is risky, and PI had to learn this the hard way. Many companies say that the privacy of their audiences is their top priority. But do they mean it
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For further information on timeline and case history, read this briefing. Arguments The argument were based on the written submissions of the parties. The oral statements summarised key points in these submissions. The submissions can be found on PI’s website under Legal Action. In terms of today’s
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We are calling on the government of Argentina to take the necessary steps to ensure they comply with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including Article 17, in relation to ensuring independent oversight, transparency and accountability of the current or future organs involved in surveillance.

News & Analysis
This piece was written by PI Legal Office Millie Graham Wood. “The UK is leading the way on modern data protection laws and we have worked closely with our EU partners to develop world leading data protection standards” [1] according to, Matt Hancock MP, Minister of State for Digital. However, the
Press release
The European Court of Human Rights will hear a landmark case on surveillance tomorrow (7 November) as part of a challenge to the lawfulness of the UK’s surveillance laws and its intelligence agencies’ mass surveillance practices. See the attached briefing for case background and historical
Long Read
Photo Credit: AU UN IST / Tobin Jones El 25 de septiembre 2017, el presidente de Paraguay objetó la totalidad de una propuesta de Ley denominada “ que regula la activación del servicio de telefonía móvil”, disponiendo la creación de un registro de huellas dactilares de todos los usuarios de
Press release
Privacy International has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to compel disclosure of records relating to a 1946 surveillance agreement between the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, known as the “Five Eyes alliance”.* We are represented by Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access
News & Analysis
October 31st 2017 will mark the 3rd World Cities Day (we will forgive if you did not know that), with the general theme “ Better City, Better Life.” On this date, PI will be launching its latest report “Smart Cities: Utopian Vision, Dystopian Reality”. This is an opportunity for us to ask: who
News & Analysis

Do you live in a smart city? Chances are you do. But it is probably just not smart for you.

Long Read
Government hacking is unlike any other form of existing surveillance technique. Hacking is an attempt to understand a system better than it understands itself, and then nudging it to do what the hacker wants. Fundamentally speaking, hacking is therefore about causing technologies to act in a manner