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Content Type: Examples
In 2014, Britain announced an infrastructure plan requiring all energy suppliers to offer smart meters to all homes and businesses by the end of 2020. With two years to go, at the end of 2018, the problems customers experienced after making the switch led to calls to halt the rollout, which had reached 13 million of Britain's 53 million homes and was already losing momentum. Among other problems, 940,000 of the meters lost their smart functionality when customers switched supplier. Many of the…
Content Type: Examples
In October 2018, a transparency report from the smart home company Nest, which Google acquired for $3.2 billion in 2014, found that between 2015 and 2018 Nest had been told to hand over data on 300 separate occasions relating to up to 525 Nest account holders. Nest turned over data in fewer than 20% of the cases in the first half of 2018, down from the second half of 2015, when the company complied nearly 60% of the time. Nest is best known for its smart thermostats, but it also makes…
Content Type: Examples
In September 2018, the 156-year-old US life insurance company John Hancock announced it would stop underwriting traditional life insurance policies, instead selling only interactive policies that track health and fitness through the data collected by wearable devices and smartphones. Interactive life insurance had already become well-established in South Africa and Britain, and was spreading in the US. The company argued that the change would promote both health and profits; however, privacy…
Content Type: Examples
In October 2018, the app that supports the burglar alarm functions of Yale's "smart" locks and burglar alarms was disabled for 24 hours after an "unforeseen issue while carrying out unplanned network maintenance". Customers complained that they were unable to open or lock doors or disarm alarms, and that the company failed to warn them of the problem. At the time, Yale had just announced a trial with the Waitrose supermarket chain for an in-home delivery service.…
Content Type: Examples
Britain's £11 billion plan to offer smart meters to all homes and businesses by the end of 2020 was based in part on claims that the meters would give consumers better information about the energy they were using and offer sophisticated variable rate charging as part of working to combat climate change and pollution. In October 2018, the British Infrastructure Group of Parliamentarians, which is made up of 92 MPs and peers, issued a critical report noting that delays and cost increases were…
Content Type: Examples
In October 2018 Amazon patented a new version of its Alexa virtual assistant that would analyse speech to identify signs of illness or emotion and offer to sell remedies. The patent also envisions using the technology to target ads. Although the company may never exploit the patent, the NHS had previously announced it intended to make information from its online NHS Choices service available via Alexa.…
Content Type: Examples
In March 2018 the Palo Alto startup Mindstrong Health, founded by three doctors, began clinical tests of an app that uses patients' interactions with their smartphones to monitor their mental state. The app, which is being tested on people with serious illness, measures the way patients swipe, tap, and type into their phones; the encrypted baseline and ongoing data is then analysed using machine learning to find patterns that indicate brain disorders such as a relapse into depression, substance…
Content Type: Advocacy
Este informe es presentado por Derechos Digitales, Ciudadano Inteligente, Fundación ProAcceso y Privacy International. Derechos Digitales es una organización no gubernamental de defensa, promoción y desarrollo de los derechos humanos en el entorno digital. Ciudadano Inteligente es una organización dedicada a fortalecer la democracia y reducir la desigualdad a través de la transparencia y la participación ciudadana. Fundación ProAcceso se dedica a la defensa del derecho de acceso a la…
Content Type: Advocacy
Consumers benefit from the existence of competitive markets, in which they can freely choose among a wide range of products and services. Competition policy plays an important role in this regard by ensuring that competition is not disrupted in a way that can harm consumers directly (e.g. leading to price increases or less choice) or indirectly (e.g. weakening competition as a process by hampering the ability of firms to compete on the merits).
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following HTTP GET request is made to
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The app sends the following HTTP GET request to
GET https://…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.facebook.…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.…
Content Type: App Analysis
This app prerequest permissions when installing from the app store, a screenshot is attached for reference
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.facebook.…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
format: json
sdk: android
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
Form data:
format: json
sdk: android…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the app sends the following HTTP GET request to
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
format: json
sdk: android
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.facebook.…
Content Type: News & Analysis
Profiling and Automated Decision Making: Is Artificial Intelligence Violating Your Right to Privacy?
Image source creative commons.
The below piece was originally posted on the UNRISD site here.
How AI is affecting our human rights
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part of our daily lives. Its many applications inform almost all sectors of society: from the way we interact on social media, to the way traffic flows are managed in cities; from access to credit and to social services, to the functioning of our ever expanding number of devices connected to the internet.
AI is affecting our human…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
Immediately after the app is opened, the following data is sent to (Graph)
The following HTTP GET request is made to
GET https://graph.…
Content Type: Press release
Consumer groups, NGOs and industry call jointly for the Council of the EU to advance ePrivacy reform
On Monday 3 December, a coalition of more than 30 consumer groups, NGOs and industry representatives sent a letter to EU Ministers and the Council of the EU calling for the conclusion of the negotiations on the reform of the ePrivacy legislation.
The letter was sent prior to yesterday's (4 December) meeting in the TTE Council, with signatories sharing concerns over the slow progress of the negotiations in the Council of the EU despite the repeated scandals that demonstrate the clear and…
Content Type: App Analysis
This documentation demonstrates actions taken by the test user and the apps subsequent responses.
Test user action 1: The user taps on the application icon, which opens the application
Response from app: The application is initialised and the following data is sent and received by the app:
The app sends the following HTTP GET request to
Content Type: Examples
In a 2018 interview, the Stanford professor of organisational behaviour Michal Kosinski discussed his research, which included a controversial and widely debunked 2017 study claiming that his algorithms could distinguish gay and straight faces; a 2013 study of 58,000 people that explored the relationship between Facebook Likes and psychological and demographic characteristics; and the myPersonality project, which collected data on 6 million people via a personality quiz that went viral on…
Content Type: Examples
In 2018, the British army used paid Facebook messages to target 16-year-olds around the day GCSE results were announced to suggest that an army career might still be open to them if their grades were sub-par. The move was criticised for targeting teenagers at their most vulnerable and stressed moment in order to fill the army roles that require are least popular and hardest to recruit. The answer to a written parliamentary question revealed that the army spent £1.7 million advertising on social…
Content Type: Examples
In 2018, a Duke University medical doctor who worked with Microsoft researchers to analyse millions of Bing user searches found links between some computer users' physical behaviours - tremors while using a mouse, repeated queries, and average scrolling speed - and Parkinson's disease. The hope was to be able to diagnose conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's earlier and more accurately. Other such studies tracked participants via a weekly online health survey, mouse usage, and, via…
Content Type: Examples
In 2018, the chair of the London Assembly's police and crime committee called on London's mayor to cut the budget of the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime, which provides oversight, in order to pay for AI systems. The intention was that the efficiencies of adopting AI would free up officers' time by helping spot crime patterns to identify potential suspects, and examine data on seized devices. The time saved could put greater numbers of police on the streets to counter London's rising crime…