General purpose news for news-seeking audience


Following recent moves to use export controls to reign in surveillance companies, members of Congress are demanding that the U.S. government now also impose sanctions. PI answers to some questions and looks at the potential impact.


This is a real life testimony of a UK private hire driver who was employed by Uber. It explores the issues that gig economy workers face as a result of algorithmic management and surveillance utilised by their employers.


This real life testimony of a UK private hire driver who was employed by Uber. It explores the issues that gig economy workers face as a result of algorithmic management and surveillance utilised by their employers.

News & Analysis

Following PI’s submissions before the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), as well as other European regulators, the ICO has announced its provisional intent to fine facial recognition company Clearview AI. But this is more than just a regulatory action.

News & Analysis

The European Parliament's resolution on artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police presents an opportunity for the EU to reconsider its role in the development of such tools, their sale, or use as part of its counter-terrorism and anti-immigration policies abroad.

Press release

In this briefing, PI together with Amnesty International and SOMO seek to aid civil society efforts toward greater oversight, accountability and remedy of corporate structures that have been reported to contribute to government surveillance of individuals, including human rights defenders.

News & Analysis

Legislation to require government-issued ID to vote in England, Scotland and Wales will lead to discrimination and exclusion.

News & Analysis

The controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Bill (‘Policing Bill’) includes provisions for ‘extraction of information from electronic devices’ by immigration officers. The provisions to seize and extract rely solely on ‘voluntary provision’ of devices and ‘agreement’ to extract data.

We are concerned immigration officers not only lack requisite skills, the power imbalance between state and migrant calls into question whether provision of a device can ever be truly voluntary.

This proposal comes at a time when there is a total lack of transparency around Home Office use of mobile phone extraction.

Long Read

On 25 May 2021, the Grand Chamber of the European Court issued a landmark ruling on UK mass surveillance practices. Below we answer some of your questions.

Press release

Eight year legal battle against UK mass surveillance programmes exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden culminates in victory for privacy.

Long Read

The Constitutional Court of South Africa declared that bulk interception by the South African National Communications Centre is unlawful and invalid.

Long Read

We spoke to trans-right activists in three country: the Philippines, France and Argentina to understand how ID systems in their countries are impacting their lives and how certain legal frameworks may help them.


Long Read

We explain in some detail what our case involving UK intelligence services using general warrants is about.

Frequently Asked Questions

We won our judicial review challenge to a 2016 decision by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT). The UK High Court has held that the security and intelligence services can no longer rely on ‘general warrants’ to interfere with property, including computers.

News & Analysis

The European Commission has today concluded its review of Google's proposed acquisition of Fitbit. Privacy International is disappointed that the Commission has decided to let the merger go through, allowing Google's extraordinary power to expand into wearables and sensitive health data.