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07 Feb 2018
In February 2019 Google engineers announced that they had created faster, more efficient encryption system that could function on less-expensive Android phones that were too low-powered to implement existing full-device encryption. The scheme, known as Adiantum, uses established and well-vetted
28 Nov 2018
In November 2018, Germany's Federal Cyberintelligence Agency (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, or BSI) released a highly detailed analysis of the myriad ways that Windows 10 tracks users and showing that only enterprise versions of Windows have the ability to turn them off. BSI
01 Nov 2018
A November 2018 report from Data & Society discusses "data craft", the methods manipulators use to create disinformation with falsified metadata, specifically platform activity signals, which can be read by machine learning algorithms, platforms, and humans. Manipulators use platform features in
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Political campaigns, debate and engagement has become increasingly digitalised in Italy. Here are some examples of concerns this has raised. 

11 Feb 2019
A couple who tried, in February 2018, to keep their unborn child a secret from the internet, in part so the child could create its own internet identity when it was ready. They had some success in avoiding being pursued by baby-related ads, but found themselves unable to exercise the control they
16 Feb 2019
In October 2018, Google developers announced Manifest V3, a new standard for developing extensions for its Chrome web browser. One of the modifications included replacing the API used by extensions that need to intercept and work with network requests. The new API, DeclarativeNetRequest, limits the
In a December 2018 update, Facebook so effectively disguised sponsored posts that it took AdBlocker Plus a month, instead of the more usual few days, to find a way to counter it. Facebook has responded to the threat posed to its business model by adblockers by both providing users with advertising
15 Nov 2018
In November 2018, a report by the consultancy Privacy Company, on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, found that Microsoft could be breaking European data collection rules because its Office software was collecting large amounts of personal data including email subject lines and snippets of
21 Nov 2018
In November 2018 the campaign group Freedom from Facebook used the social network's own advertising tools to promote a "safe space" website where they can submit whistleblower tips anonymously. Facebook declined to comment but did not appear to be blocking the ads nor keeping a log of who viewed
In November 2018, a UK Gambling Commission audit found that the number of problem gamblers aged 11 to 16 had quadrupled to 55,000 over two years, 70,000 children were at risk, and 450,000, or one in seven, children aged 11 to 16 bet regularly, spending, on average, £16 a week on fruit machines
15 Nov 2018
In November 2018 Bidooh announced it was developing an intelligent and automated digital billboard advertising platform that it said would leverage facial recognition and blockchain technology to track engagement. Billboard advertising is valued globally at almost $34.8 billion a year. Bidooh has
02 Dec 2018
Days after the 2018 shooting that killed 11 Jewish congregants in a Pittsburgh synagogue, The Intercept found that Facebook still allowed advertisers to choose "white genocide conspiracy theory" as a targeting criterion, capturing 168,000 members of the social network. The technique used was the
04 Feb 2019
In its February 2019 iOS release (12.2), Apple introduced a toggle enabling users to control whether websites received motion and orientation data collected by the gyroscope and accelerometer inside the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The change is believed to be in response to a 2018 report that
20 Feb 2019
In February 2019, an anonymous tip-off to Computer Sweden revealed that a database containing recordings of 170,000 hours of calls made to the Vårdguiden 1177 non-emergency healthcare advice line was left without encryption or password protection on an open web server provided by Voice Integrate
31 Jan 2019
In January 2019, researchers reported finding two huge data dumps. Collection #1 contained passwords and usernames relating to nearly 773 million email addresses spread across about 2.7 spreadsheet rows in 12,000 files. Collection #2.5 contained 845GB of data and more than 25 billion records that
31 Jan 2019
In late 2018, researchers at SINTEF Digital Norway, ETH Zurich, and Berlin's Technical University discovered a new and serious vulnerability in several generations of the cellular mobile communications protocols: 3G, 4G, and the upcoming 5G. The flaw affected Authentication and Key Agreement, which