News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

News & Analysis

Following our investigation into advertisers on Facebook and the exposure of the platform shortcomings, Facebook's response is a failure to acknowledge its responsibility in ensuring transparency and enabling people to exercise their rights. Here is our point by point analysis of their answer

Case Study

The municipality of Como, Italy, purchased a facial recognition system, which was bought, installed, and tested for months with little transparency and despite the lack of a clear legal framework. To do so it embraced a narrative of technological innovation pushed by Huawei but was forced, after the intervention of the Italian Data Protection Authority, to suspend the system.


News & Analysis

PI submitted a response to the the UK College of Policing public consultation on the Law Enforcement Data Service (LEDS), a new, UK-wide police "mega-database". The consultation is open until 9th September 2020.

News & Analysis

A new UN experts report shines light on the role of private military and security services in immigration and border management and their impact to the rights of all migrants.

News & Analysis

Samsung now offers 3 years of support for their most expensive models, but cheaper phones are still left out of the equation.

News & Analysis

PI responds to the plans announced by UK Home Office to make Channel crossings "inviable" for asylum seekers and joins efforts by migrant organisations to call for the UK government to introduce safe and legal routes to the UK.

News & Analysis

No doubt this is turning out to be a summer full of news about internet companies' digital dominance. In June, Google notified the European Commission of its plan to


PI's Reproductive Rights and Privacy Project speaks with Dr. Subasri Narasimhan and Dr. Dabney Evans from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in the US about their paper which documents how misleading health information about reproductive health can flow into policy and legislative debates.

Press release
MI6 has been forced to apologise to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal after two of its officers asked court staff to return documents relating to MI6’s use of agents and not show them to judges. The Tribunal suggested MI6’s actions were “inappropriate interference”. The revelation emerged in an

This week we talk to a whole host of guests, including María Paz Canales - Executive Director of Derechos Digitales, about the issues with coronavirus immunity passports and whether the digital ID industry is capable of rising to the moment.

News & Analysis

Key findings of the report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Prof. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Dr. Krisztina Huszti-Orbán on the Use of Biometric Data to Identify Terrorists

Long Read

A digital ID that proves immunity will raise serious human rights issues. And the failure of the digital ID industry to deal with the issues of exclusion, exploitation and discrimination puts the entire industry under question.


Everything you wanted to know about immunity passports for Covid-19.

Key Resources

Immunity passports could involve the restricting peoples' liberties of individuals on the basis of their' immunity status, or lack of it.

News & Analysis

A recent ruling by the British Court of Appeal sided with welfare claimants after a flaw in the income calculating system was revealed.