News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

News & Analysis

On June 9th, in light of the global debate against racial injustices, the company IBM announced they would stop selling facial recognition. Here are 4 quick-fire thoughts we have on this.

News & Analysis

Amazon announced that they will be putting a one-year suspension on sales of its facial recognition tech to law enforcement. Here is why think there is still a long way to go.

News & Analysis

Le Niger a adopté une loi qui permet au gouvernement d’intercepter les communications, dans un cadre légal, avec un manque de contrôles indépendants et une protection insuffisante des droits de l’homme. Retrouvez la version en anglais de cet article ici.


With huge numbers of people out on the streets standing up for their rights in the US and Hong Kong, and around the world - we take a look at the surveillance tools police and security forces round the world have been using to monitor people as they exercise their civil rights.

News & Analysis

PI presents its contribution to the "Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action" (2n Ed).

News & Analysis

Niger passed a law allowing the government to intercept communications on a broad legal basis, with insufficient oversight mechanisms and human rights safeguards. Find the French version of this article here.

News & Analysis

We, alongside 6 other organisations, have sent a letter to the government asking them to reconsider the design of the UK NHSx Covid-19 track and trace app.

We are seriously concerned that the app will create exlusion and enhance existing discrimination, gather incomplete data, and won't be as effective as it could be in tackling this virus.

News & Analysis

While more and more governments and companies are asking us to trust them with their COVID-19 solutions, their surfacing and potentially unlawful data exploitation practices do not engender trust.


News & Analysis

25 May 2020 marks the 2nd anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation. Two years on, where are we now?

News & Analysis

The ruling found the police not to have complied with the requirements set in the French data protection law.


This week Gus chats with Edin, PI's Advocacy Director, about the latest Covid-19 news and the trends we're seeing around the world.

News & Analysis

The same techno-solutionism that emerged in the earlier phases of the Coronavirus response is moving into the workplace. 

Long Read

As the UK is about to launch its app to trace potential Coronavirus patients; as it launches its 'pilot' we look at its technical functionalities.

Long Read

Palantir, the US data giant which works with intelligence and immigration enforcement agencies, has responded to our questions about its work on a highly sensitive National Health Service (NHS) project, providing some assurances, passing the buck to the NHS, and raising additional questions.

Long Read

The ongoing requirement for asylum-seekers to register their claim for asylum in person reveals the Home Office's misplaced and onerous emphasis on biometrics collection at the expense of asylum-seekers' health

News & Analysis

There is now an ecosystem that drives voter profiling and targeted messages, often known as micro-targeting, that accompany modern political campaigning globally. The targeted ad-supported internet is made up of thousands of companies that track and profile us all 24 hours a day- not just during election time.