News and Analysis

N&A, Long Reads, Press Release

Press release

Following a 2018 complaint by Privacy International, French AdTech company Criteo was fined €40 million for failing to ensure that data subjects had provided their consent to processing, failing to sufficiently inform them and to enable them to exercise their rights.

Long Read

Here are a handful of our biggest achievements in 2022.

News & Analysis

Our partners, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), have recently published their research on the use of mobile phone extraction tools by the police and judicial authorities in Argentina.

Long Read

Apple’s end-to-end encrypted iCloud services are becoming available for global users. This was something that was until now reserved to US users. We have been calling for this for twelve years.

News & Analysis

UK's Investigatory Powers Commissioner clarifies the legal framework regulating use of IMSI catchers in the UK while maintaining "neither confirm nor deny" position about their use

Long Read


Privacy Internationals and Liberty’s latest legal case against the UK’s Security Service (MI5) hinges on MI5’s failure to police their vast data holdings. PI and Liberty allege MI5 broke the law by not effectively implementing crucial safeguards designed to protect all of us.

Long Read

The privatisation of migration control and policing takes different shapes and forms.
The latest iteration comes in disguise – specifically, in four pastel colours: if you were to look at this company's main website, in fact, you'd only find wristbands and tools to monitor the well-being of elderly people who live alone. But as stated in their annual report, the majority of British company Buddi's revenue originates from the criminal justice market.

News & Analysis

In a case that found seizing and extracting data from migrants' mobile phones breached their fundamental right to privacy, UK courts breathe some life into the human rights principle of access to remedy.

News & Analysis

Prior to Kenya's Presidential election in August 2022, PI travelled to Nairobi to collaborate with The Carter Center as part of their pre-election assessment team. This is the preliminary report resulting from that election expert mission.


This week we speak to Sebastian Meineck, a journalist from Netzpolitik about PimEyes, a free(ish) face search engine similar to Clearview, but for public consumption.

News & Analysis

The right to privacy encompasses bodily autonomy and the right to access safe abortion care. In light of the recent decision of the United States’ Supreme Court in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, we at Privacy International (PI) wanted to examine how the right to privacy has evolved around the world and in the U.S.


Long Read

This piece by Tomaso Falchetta, Deborah Brown and Katitza Rodriguez was originally published in Just Security.

News & Analysis

Privacy International, Migrants Organise and Bail For Immigration Detainees joined forces to shine a light on the plight of migrants in the UK who are subject to hardline and dehumanising Home Office policies such as being monitored via GPS tags 24/7.


Privacy International has made a submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office Satellite Tracking Service Programme. We highlighted some of our concerns about the intrusive nature of location data as well as systemic failures relating to the quality of tags and battery life of devices which have a significant impact on individuals, as battery depletion can result in criminal prosecution.



This week's episode is a grab bag of Clearview updates - from our latest campaign to their latest fine.

News & Analysis

While our fight against mass surveillance continues, the UK Government has settled two human rights claims brought under Articles 8 (right to privacy) and 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.